S&M SAS (hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”)/https://www.fenetresurcour-rideaux.com
z.a.c des Baterses Nord, Rue des petites Combes, Beynost 01708 Miribel cedex FRANCE
Tel : - Fax : - cpta.sm@decogroup.fr
SAS au capital de 16 830 000 €
413 169 475 RCS Bourg - APE 4641Z - N°TVA CEE FR 48 413 169 475
The purpose of this form is to inform you of your rights, particularly under new EU Regulation 2016/679 on personal data protection. In certain cases only, this form will also enable us to obtain your consent.
Pursuant to Act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 (the French Data Protection Act) and EU Regulation 2016/679, which entered into effect on 25 May 2018, the personal data we request from Customers and/or Partners in general are necessary to process the services they request and/or orders they place in the context of the business commitments entered into, and the sole purpose of collecting such data is to process such orders and contractual services.
This processing is therefore primarily for accounting, commercial and logistical purposes, with a view to fulfilling such orders or contracts. In order that your data may also be used in the context of promotional or advertising operations, your consent will be required at the bottom of this form.
These data are not transmitted to third parties to the contract or order; the only recipients are members of our company's personnel and the various service providers and other parties to the contract, for the purpose of shipping and delivery, for example. Any person or entity with access to these data will be bound by a confidentiality obligation specifically requiring them to protect the confidentiality of the personal data to which they have access.
We will indicate whether the data to be provided are mandatory or optional, bearing in mind that failure to respond may constitute an obstacle to the processing of all or part of your order or contract.
These data are retained for the statutory retention period required for each category of data. Pursuant to the national and European regulations in force, the Customer or Partner has a right of permanent access, modification, rectification, opposition and portability regarding the information concerning them.
This right may be exercised under the terms and conditions transmitted to you by our Data Controller, Mr Cédric Colletaz, who you may contact by email at the following address: rgpd@decogroup.fr.
The Data Controller will answer you within a maximum of one month, with the possibility of extending this response time by a further two months depending on the complexity and number of requests received, and provided the data subject is informed within one month following their request for access. If the request is incomplete (no proof of ID, for example), the Data Controller may request additional documents and the response time will be suspended, recommencing once the documents in question have been provided.
Either you send us this form completed and with the date and signature as following:
M./Ms. ……………………(Name)………………………. (first name)
Date: Signature:
Either you check the box below:
□ by checking this box, I declare to have been clearly informed about my rights to protect my personal data and accept the data processing as mentioned above.